Friday, January 4, 2013

I was Inspired

I was inspired by Kevin Parrett, the author of The Wolf'sCurse (Which I will be reviewing on Amazon and here later next week). He inspired me to start a blog to talk about my journey when it comes to self-publishing. I knew I would eventually need a blog, but I didn't know what to write about. It's not like I'm an expert at writing, I couldn't just write out a post on how to develop a plot correctly or how to make a main character interesting for a reader. I barely know what I'm doing half the time as it is. 

My first short story, Up A Tree,  should be out later this month, there has been some delay, but I rather have a well edited story than a story that looks like it should be used for toilet paper. 

Self-Publishing wasn't my first choice. As a kid I dreamed of making it big with an Agent and a big time name Publishing House. I had fantasies of owning a big house with a room filled with money and my books would be turned into block busting movies. 

I've matured, at least a little, since then. Well, I hope I have. What do I want now as a 21 year old? A lot of things: Financial stability, a better apartment, better food than ramen. Those things would be nice, but I know they won't magically appear after I publish my first story or even my second to sixth stories. I'm not aiming to be the next millionaire Amanda Hocking, or the next Mind Blowing J.k. Rowling or even the unreachable and unthinkable Stephen King.  I just want my stories read and hopefully liked.

I know it will take time. Stephen King, J.K. Rowling and Amanda Hocking all had to work hard to get where they are now. They didn't just wake up one morning and magically become rich and successful. Success has to be earned and I plan to do just that. So I hope, while doing this blog, that I can help someone else who was in the same boat I was less than a month ago. I hope to give struggling writers the motivation and push to go get what they want.  

Sara D

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